
Developing a Planning Process with ELLs in Writing

 Developing a Planning Process with ELLs in Writing Credit:  5537864_orig.jpeg (764×381) ( Everyone creates goals. Whether those are skill-based goals, personal goals, etc. we all want to better ourselves. In the classroom, we should all develop goals to track our progress throughout the schoolyear. More specifically, we as writer's should develop goals and map out what our writing journey looks like. Brainstorming is the initial step when beginning our writing process. ELL students might have a hard time creating a planning process of what their writing should look like. This blog post is to give some recommendations as to how to develop a planning process for writing with your ELL students.  1. Individual writing conferences Students are sometimes afraid to ask for help when they are struggling. Furthermore, they are afraid to ask "dumb" questions or frustrate the teacher. The first step to this approach is to make sure students know that no question is a dum

Encouraging Approaches for ELLs in Writing

 Encouraging Approaches for ELLs in Writing                                         Credit:  image.jpg (1000×750) ( As teachers, we often feel defeated and discouraged, especially when a challenge is brought our way and it feels impossible to find a solution. On example of this is having a new student, more specifically an ELL student, who understands minimal English struggling in your classroom. You want the best for them but you are frustrated as to how to communicate and guide them towards success. One of the hardest things for an ELL student to grasp is writing because they are trying to learn the English language let alone comprehend it.  Just like how teachers feel defeated sometimes, our ELL students feel the same frustration, especially when they are behind their classmates and have a hard time understanding. They often feel discouraged and potentially unmotivated. With that being said, it is important for teachers to use encouraging and motivating approaches to ins

Lesson Plans for ELL Writers

 Lesson Plans for ELL Writers Credit: Have you ever wondered how to make lesson plans for writing that are ELL friendly, engaging, and fun? You have come to the right place! It can be hard to get students to be engaged in writing. Not all students will enjoy writing. However, if writing is more engaging and lets students express themselves, they are more likely to enjoy it. Additionally, some students prefer to learn one way over another. For example, some students prefer visuals, while others prefer auditorial or kinesthetic activities.   Here is a list of creative writing activities for ELL students! 1 . Visual aid-based writing As mentioned above, some students prefer to write/ learn from pictures or visuals. On

How to Incorporate ELL Culture into Writing

 How to Incorporate ELL Culture into Writing Credit: Imagine that you have a class of 20+ students throughout the school year. In the middle of the school year, you get a new student who is from another country and speaks minimal English. That student is struggling to communicate and keep up with lessons. Additionally, they feel as if their culture is not recognized in the classroom and feels excluded from the class. The student wants to share their experiences, but has a hard time communicating.  Writing is one of the best ways to let our students express themselves. People can write about their hobbies or passions, culture, tell a story, and so much more. Writing opens up a door of creativity for our students. Furthermore, it is a great way for students to communicate and share their stories. Writing is such an important aspect of an ELL's educational journey. There is so much they can learn and so much they can teach

Lesson Adaptation for ELL Writers

Credit: How to Teach Writing to be ELL Friendly?  Did you know the number of English Language Learners in public schools has increased by more than one million students? The number of ELLs has increased significantly over the years. There is a higher percentage of ELL students in elementary school compared to students in secondary school. It is important we have our students feel welcomed as well as build up their skills, since they are still at a young age.  It is important to implement strategies as educators for our ELL students when they are writing. According to Brown University, when students are writing, they are drawing upon their experiences by listening, speaking, and writing. Here are some strategies/ideas for educators to implement in their classroom to help ELL students feel more confident and comfortable with their writing: 1. Using Visual Aids in Instruction Visual ai